- It is Non-Toxic and is therefore free from all side effects.
- It is Non-Specific, thereby meaning that its action is not limited to any part of the body but it acts on whole body.
- It normalizes physiological functions of the body as a whole and keeps one healthy in all respects.
- Common cold and cough, Influenza.
- Inflammation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatism of hands and knees as well as Sciatica.
- Allergies,Stomatitis, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis.
- Insomnia Headache, Neurasthenia, Tention.
- Muscular Dystrophy, Toothache.
- Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) & Hypo tension (Low Blood Pressure). It has rare quality of effect on B.P. as it can normalize both the Systolic as well as Diastolic pressure.
- Diabetes.
- Dermatitis, Acne, Hair loss, ugly spots on skin and aging of skins, Nephritis.
- Constipation, Diarrhea, Castro-Enteritis, Ulcers, Liver problems, Hepatitis (acute and chronic), effect favorably on GOT and GPT valves. Improves digestion and is also good for Gallstone.
- Obesity & under weight, removes fat in the blood. Thin people can gain weight while fat people can lose weight. No need for starvation of diets or weight lose drugs.
- Varicose Veins.
- Coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, reduction of cholesterol (L.D.L.).
- Cancer (An effective anti-tumor remedy) removes the side effects of cancer medication. Relieves pain and side effects of Chemotherapy.
- Anemia, cold extremities, Piles, Elevation sickness, Stroke.
- It is highly efficacious in sexual problems in both sexes like erectile dysfunctions, lack of sexual desire, lack of activities of spermatozoa, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhoea, irregular menses, Ovulation and menopause problems.
- It enhance sexual performance if taken according to the following formula. "Powder of 4 capsules of RG+1 cup of hot water+1pouch of coffee+1 spoon soya powder or 4capsules of Spirulina or 1 egg yolk+1 spoon Honey." mix all these items and take half an hour before intercourse and experience, its miracle.
- Of great use in Terminal Diseases like AIDS and Cancer.
- Effects quick healing after operation.
- Good for other diseases like Stroke, Paralysis, Parkinson diseases, Piles, ENT problems, Tooth-Ache, Muscular Dystrophy, Varicose veins, Coma and so on.