Sunday, August 8, 2010


                    In the modern days, we are exposed to increased toxin levels due to highly polluted environment, bad eating and sleeping habits, sedentary living, lack of exercises, increase use of drugs and medicines, great mental and physical strain etc., all leading to weak immune system and resulting in the overall poor health. To overcome this decay in health, GANO is a GOD GIVEN GIFT which produces normalizing effect on the body by removing all the toxins the body cells. It is well known that Chinese have been leading a healthy long life since centuries. What is their secrets? Researchers have established that they have been using a type of a herb known as Ganoderma (Mushroom) Which is a high quality Herbal medicine and is an excellent Food Supplement. Chinese regard this herb as a "King of Herb" for its excellent effects in maintaining the health in total. It not only improves one's constitution, but also strengthens the Immune system, Enhances the stamina and promotes overall health, and longevity. It helps in normalizing the function of various organs of the body by detoxifying all the body cells, It makes a person Physically, Mentally, Socially and Spiritually healthy. It is wonderful herb to achieve the the goal of a good and sound health.
         Researchers have also found that there are about 38000 varieties of mushrooms in whole of the world of which only 2000 are edible. Of these, only 200 are such, which have some medicinal value but six of these are of  high medicinal importance. Dr. Li Shin Chen of China has, in his book "OUTLINE OF HERBAL MEDICINES" classified these six varieties by their colors. This also includes RED GANODERMA variety. Research scholars of China and other foreign countries, after a lot of research work and clinical experiments, have established its efficiency in the overall maintenance of good health.
           These products are of high quality which ensure sound health to a healthy person by preventing diseases and assisting a sick person in combating his illness and achieving quick recovery. Since these are only "FOOD SUPPLEMENTS" the patient is advise to continue his normal medicine along with these food supplements till he finds improvement in his sickness and slowly reduce medicine in consultation wid his Doctor.