Saturday, November 13, 2010

Botanical and Natural Treatments for Thyroid Dysfunction

Please stop blaming the thyroid gland for thyroid dysfunction. A recent book title asks: “Is your Thyroid Making You Ill?” (2). This is an example of the continuing demonisation of the human thyroid gland. We make our thyroid glands sick, not the other way around. A particular thyroid gland is at the mercy of its host human for food, shelter, and a thyrosupportive environment. Rather, a person’s behavior contributes significantly to any subsequent thyroid gland dysfunction. Please engage the thyroid gland as an obligate ally rather than a mass of misbehaving errant tissue, which must be disciplined with medications, radiation ablation, or surgical removal. The thyroid gland is probably usually doing its best to respond to events and demands.

    What follows are actions I have recommended for gently modifying thyroid gland activities in referred patients; first for hyperthyroidism and secondly hypothyroidism.

    1. In non-acute hyperthyroidism I recommend iodine starvation as a simplistic approach to quelling thyroid hormone production. T4 and T3 thyroid hormone production is completely iodine dependent. Less iodine from dietary and topical sources means less iodine for MIT, DIT, T3 and T4 production. The human body usually responds to severely reduced iodine intake by becoming extremely iodine conservative, reducing iodine excretion and increasing iodine recycling.

    The practical steps to encourage patient compliance are:

    a. Remove iodized salt from the household and, control visits to restaurants and households where iodized salt is used. Iodized salt is usually not used in salted snack foods. Canned, frozen, dried foods may or may not contain iodized salt.

    b. Reduce or eliminate all seafood: fish, shellfish (clams, oysters mussels, true scallops) crustaceans (shrimp, crabs, lobster), echinoderms (sea urchins, sea cucumbers), cephalopods (octopus, cuttlefish, squid), and all seaweeds from diet.

    c. Reduce or eliminate all milk-based dairy products. Whey and milk solids in any prepared food will likely be unlabeled sources of iodine. Most milk and milk products originate in milk factories where cows’ teats and udders are washed before and/ or after each milking with a strong iodine solution, which can drip into the milking apparatus. Iodine is never listed as an ingredient of milk and milk products; this includes so-called organic milk. Manure-caked teats must be washed and disinfected somehow, even organic teats. (Butterfat contains very little iodine unless salted with iodized salt.)

    One curiosity is the occasional listing of cacao beans as a source of iodine, when the likely source of the iodine is from milk in processed chocolate.

    d. Reduce or eliminate all commercial flour products: breads, crackers, cookies, pasta unless labeled as iodine-free. Iodine is used as a dough conditioner and antimicrobial; it is never listed as an ingredient.

    e. Eliminate all red meat and red meat products, especially blood products (blood pudding and sausages). I do not know if globulin-bound thyroid hormones in red meat are destroyed by cooking. Rare or raw red meats will have thyroid hormones available for human absorption when eaten.

    f.For a somewhat different view of the relationship between dietary iodine intake and thyroid pathology see: (10)

    2. Increase consumption of raw, leafy green brassicas. Kale, cabbage, collard greens, mustard greens, rocket, cress, turnip greens all have constituents causing a mild thyrostatic effect by reducing iodine uptake. Excess raw cabbage consumption (R. Weiss’ “one-sided cabbage diet”)(5) can induce goiter.

    3. Use of one or more of three thyrosuppressive mints; lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), bugleweed (Lycopus spp.), and motherwort (Leonuris cardiaca). These can be used as fresh plant, freeze-dried capsules, and/or tinctures (6). Fresh material used as a green drink or in tincture must be finely chopped prior to use to release the active constituents, which then can bind directly to TSH-specific receptor docking sites on thyroid cell surfaces. (Thanks to Kerry Bone, plant chemist). Freshly juiced Melissa, an ounce or two, daily, has been very effective in moderate chronic Graves’ non-responsive to tinctures. A few drops of tincture under the tongue can be effective in a few hours; for other patients, several weeks may pass before any obvious symptom improvement.

    4. In immune-driven Graves’ hyperthyroidism, immune tonics, not stimulants, are recommended. A mild immune tonic can be prepared as a strong, slowly cooked broth made with finely chopped or powdered dried Ganoderma mushroom ( G. lucidum. G. aplanatum, G. tsugae) also known as Reishii. I use a crockpot with 4-8 hours of cooking at low heat. Tinctures and capsules of Ganoderma spp. and Eleuthrococcus are also helpful.

    5. Sourcing the hyperthyroidism. What is the patient’s role in generating the pathology?
    Robert Graves, the Irish physician who first clearly described the syndrome bearing his name, wrote in an 1850’s paper that many if not most of his patients suffered from severe ”vexations”; a wise observation. Today we might say most Graves’ patients are burdened with excessive stressors, particularly stressors perceived as unpleasant, persistent and intractably irresolvable. This certainly has been my continued observation. Often, a particular event or events cluster is clearly associated with sudden onset Graves’. Stressor mitigation or resolution may reduce or resolve Graves’. A troubling question: what might be the secondary gain to the patient from maintaining the pathology? Is the immune-modulated hyperthyroidism a natural response to increased life demands? Rather than pathology, hyperthyroidism may be an attempt to increase resources available to cope with increased stressor loads. On the other hand, it may be that the Graves’ is actually generating the sense of too much stress, rather than the stress precipitating the Graves’ condition.

    6. Even though soya isoflavones are thyrodisruptive, I caution against their use therapeutically to control thyroid activity.

    Hypothyroidism can be induced by many factors, external and internal. For many years I have believed some cases of hypothyroidism to be health- positive responses to ridiculous life situations. The body’s refusal to devote energy to health-negative activities may be forcing an involuntary inability to cope with life’s demands. Intervention would then be an insult to body wisdom. Other cases, however, seemed to be caused by external factors, rather than glandular hypothyroidism. Some patients diagnosed as hypothyroid from superficial clinical observations were actually suffering from chronic carbon monoxide poisoning from unvented gas flames at home and/or leaky automobile exhaust systems, especially in the American Northeast. Others were chronically sleep-deprived. Correction of the non-thyroid problems seemed to resolve the symptoms thought to indicate hypothyroidism.

    I try to encourage everyone to lead a thyrosupportive lifestyle:

    1. Adequate dietary iodine: iodine is essential for T4 and T3 and hence all vertebrate life.

    No land plants seem to require iodine and few beyond the seashore have more than tiny amounts. All of the animals we regularly eat have significant amounts of iodine, especially red-blooded animals and seafood. All seaweeds are rich in iodine. Iodized salt is a reliable dietary iodine source. The intense fatigue experienced by some vegans (iodine occurs in both eggs and dairy) may be iodine-deficiency hypothyroidism (check for goiter). Dairy products contain iodine (see above); baked goods may. Commercial sea salt is not an adequate source of dietary iodine. Salted snacks are usually not salted with iodized salt for reasons of economy.

    2. Reduce or eliminate exposure to any and all iodine displacers. The other halogens in various forms can displace or interfere with iodine metabolism. These are Fluorine (toothpaste, water supplies), Chlorine (water supplies and cleaning agents), and Bromine (industrial stack emissions, pesticides in food and spas, preservatives and conditioners). Although these agents may not actually cause hyothyroidism, they add an unexpected burden to thyroid metabolism; most of them did not occur naturally in the thyroid gland’s developmental past, precluding protective mechanisms against them.

    3. Reduce or eliminate thyrosuppressive and thyrodisruptive foods such as raw leafy brassicas and soya products.

    4. Reduce or eliminate thyrodisruptive medications: aspirin, HRT, warfarin and other anticlotting drugs, many antidepressants, and steroids, particularly cortisone and prednisone.

    5. Thyroxine, T4, is converted to T3 by several selenodiodinases (1). Selenium deficiency may result in hypothyroid symptoms. Ensure adequate dietary selenium.

    Recent work suggests that selenium supplementation may control or modulate autoimmune thyroid disease (5).

    No plants seem to require selenium although they do extract it from soils. Avoid excess selenium. Excess selenium seems to quench itself in enzymes. Mercury, cadmium and perhaps other heavy metals may quench selenium in the selenodiodinases. Check for metal poisoning in cases where T4 production is okay but T3 levels are low with accompanying symptoms of hypothyroidism. Reduce or eliminate home and workplace exposure to mercury and cadmium.

    6. If blood thyroid hormone levels are within or near normal ranges but symptoms indicate hypothyroidism, suspect incomplete body mineralisation. T4 and T3 are middle-management directive molecules, carrying orders. Downstream enzymes need to do the work to actualize thyroid hormone-mediated orders. Most of those enzymes require metallic cations. Deficiencies of one or more enzymatic cations could manifest as hypothyroid symptoms. Use a mineral supplement or high-mineral powdered kelp (not tablets), added to regular food as a salt replacement. Also, improve diet to include mostly organic whole foods and seaweeds.

    7. Natural sources of thyroid hormone:

    a. Fucus contains diiodotyrosine (DIT), the basic building block of T4 (two DIT are condensed in an esterification reaction by thyroid peroxidase in thyroid follicles to produce T4) (3,6). If blood thyroid hormone levels are low and TSH is modestly elevated (5.0-10.0) consider natural supplementation with powdered Fucus spp. seaweed, (bladderwrack). Take up to 5grams/day, one hour before a regular meal. Positive results may develop within several days or weeks. Some patients with functioning thyroid glands on low dosages of thyroid hormone medication have successfully used Fucus seaweed to either replace or wean themselves from T4 medications. In one patient with 17-yr Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Fucus was used for two years to successfully replace T4 medication with both a lowering of TSH after 2-3 months and a reduction in thyroid gland swelling.

    CAUTION!! Fucus seaweed powder cannot replace T4 medication taken by those patients who have had a complete thyroidectomy or radiation ablation of their thyroid gland. DIT is weakly active as a thyroid hormone but cannot replace T4 or T3. This has been attempted several times with consequent severe hypothyroid symptoms before corrected with T4/T3 administration.

    b. Also, since all red meat is red because of blood, which contains globulin-bound thyroid hormones (and other hormones), I urge marginal hypothyroid patients to increase their consumption of bloody red meats, raw or as rare as possible. (A short thought on supplementation: as omnivores and meat-eaters, we have a history of ingesting animals and their respective hormones; many of those hormones are the same as our own, particularly the thyroid hormones in mammals. Cooking is a relatively recent practice for hominids such as ourselves. I suggest that we developed as a species expecting at least some external sourcing of most of our blood-circulating hormones. De facto supplementation was occurring in our ancestor’s diets. Our endocrine glands may have developed over time expecting and even needing extrinsic hormone supplementation. Growl.)

    c. A recent Japanese publication reports the detection of physiologically significant amounts of THYROXINE (T4) and LIOTHYRONINE (T3), as well as DIT and MIT in Laminaria Sp. (Kombu) and Sargassum sp. Seaweeds (7).

    This has enormous implications for both dietary caution for Kombu eaters and for hypothyroidism treatments by healers. All seaweed health and nutrition studies using either Laminaria or Sargassum will need to be re-evaluated for the effects of probable cryptic T4 and T3 supplementation.

    Those who have been eating lots of Kombu regularly might wish to stop for 60-90 days and see if they become clinically hypothyroid.

    I strongly believe that many of the health benefits attributed to Kombu and other brown seaweeds are probably due to cryptic thyroid hormone supplementation. I refer to the lowering of arterial blood pressure, reducing blood triglyceride levels, promoting weight loss, resolution of skin problems, mood enhancement, etc. (7).

    There seem to be no studies using either seaweed to specifically treat any thyroid dysfunction. If the T4 and T3 in brown seaweeds is available from either eating dried uncooked powder or seaweed pieces , or eating lightly cooked seaweed as in Miso broth or fast stir fry, we may finally have a natural, non-animal source of actual thyroid hormones. Dosages and adverse signs will need to be established.

    I recommend diagnosed low thyroid patients be given 2-5 grams of powdered Laminaria seaweed daily with close monitoring. The most probable first symptoms will be nervousness. sleep disruption, increased heart rate, heat intolerance, irritability.

    This discovery of T4 and T3 in brown seaweeds supports my contention that we are an externally-sourced hormone-supplement-dependent species, whose historical uncooked omnivorous diet provided dietary sources of most mammalian hormones and that the lack of these hormones in our diets has made us less healthy, endocrine-deprived, and especially susceptible to absorbing toxic hormonal mimics .

    8. In Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, immune modulation is suggested. The idea is to mitigate if not reverse the immune management decision to attack and possibly destroy the thyroid gland. I recommend the immune-modulating botanicals, particularly Ganoderma mushroom broth and tinctures of Ganoderma and Eleuthrococcus.

    9. Eliminate unnecessary X-rays to head and chest (dental, TB, CAT-scans, mammograms etc.)

    10. Reduce exposure to potential thyroid hormone mimetics and confounders such as PCBs; polychlorinated biphenols resemble T4 and T3, which are biphenols, with their respective two aromatic rings. Especially try to reduce exposure to these and related substances for pregnant and nursing mothers and their young children. Many of the cyrptic thyroid disruptions which act on the unborn and neonates may not manifest until primary years as psychiatric disturbances or as development disruption during puberty.(3)

    11. There is an especially vicious class of endocrine disrupters that have become ubiquitous in our human environment. These substances have been used to improve our lives. They are: flame retardants, resorcinol-based glues, and MBTE gasoline additive s used to boost octane after tetra-ethyl lead was banned.

    The flame retardants, Poly-bromated di-ethyl ethers, PBDE’s, were mandated for children’s pajamas, bedding, stuffed toys, etc.; they are also in motel/hotel bedding, curtains, carpeting (all wall-to-wall), and upholstered furniture. They are present in all water, soil, and air. They are especially concentrated in mammalian milk, in particular human mothers’ milk. They are thyrodisruptive and pass transdermally from clothing into infants and children. It is the regular 8-12 hour constant contact with a child’s epidermis which allows the unavoidable slow accumulation of PBDE’s. They were mandated to stop fire deaths resulting from cigarette and other smokers setting fire to bedding after falling asleep with lighted smoking materials in hand. So, we are all secondarily poisoned by smoke even though we are miles from any known smoker. Not only does second-hand smoke kill, second hand protection from smokers is disrupting all of us.
    Resorcinal, Dihydroxybenzene, has been used therapeutically as an alleged starting molecule for catechols. Industrially, it is used in the production of Rayon and Nylon, and the superb resorcinol/formaldehyde glues, particularly in plywood, chipboard, and sawdust composites for fake wood furniture.
    As these products are abraided,scuffed, cut, or broken, tiny amounts or resorcinol polymer dust particles are released into our living spaces and are inhaled, where they rest on mucous membrane surfaces where nano amounts are continually absorbed and may be thyrodisruptive. The EPA hearings were especially opaque seemingly non-conclusive. In part, I suspect because of the huge world-wide human exposure to resorcinol polymer fragments. The effects of resorcinol on human thyroids is still being investigated.
    I believe these resorcinol-sourced particles may be a significant factor in the increasing thyroid epidemic, particularly in the countries where the most resorcinol has been used.

    Gasoline additives are being breathed by all of us. Many are thyrodisruptive.

    1. Bianco, A.C. Et Al. 2002. Biochemistry, Cellular Molecular Biology, and, Physiological Roles of the Iodothyronine Selenodeiodinases. Endocrine Reviews 23: 38-89
    2. Budd, M. 2000. Why Am I So Tired? (Is Your Thyroid Making You Ill?)
    3. Colburn, T. 2004. Neurodevelopment and endocrine disruption. Environmental Health Perspectives.112:944-949 3.A. Koppe, J. G. Are maternal antibodies generated by PCBs the missing link to impaired development of the brain? Ibid. 112:A682
    4. Drum, R.W. 2000. Botanicals for Thyroid Function and Dysfunction:
    5. Gartner, R. etal. 2002 Selenium supplementation in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis decreases thyroid peroxidase antibodies concentrations. Jour. Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 87: 1687-1691
    6. Greenspan, F>S> and Strewler,F>J> 1997. Basic and Clinical Endocrinology
    7. Kazutosi, Nisizawa. 2002. Seaweeds Kaiso:Bountiful Harvest From the Seas. Sustenance for Health and Wellbeing.
    8. Weiss, R. 1960(1996). Herbal Medicine (English translation)
    9. Wichtl, M. and Bisset, H>G> 1994. Herbal Drugs and Pharmaceuticals

Nutritional Management of Thyroid & Immune Disorders

            by W. Jean Dodds, DVM
            Holistic Approaches for Immune Support

            Holistic alternatives and homeopathic remedies can be used in place of standard allopathic treatments for immunologic disorders. Alternative means of down-regulating the cytokines that trigger cell-mediated immunity also can be used instead of the immune-suppressive effects of corticosteroids. Some clinicians use biologically active glandulars such as multiple glandular supplements or thymic protein, which often contains variable amounts of biologically active thymosins (e.g. thymosin, thymulin, thymopoietin, thymic humoral factor) that affect cell-mediated immune function. Thus, while thymic extracts may be most appropriate for treating immune dysfunction and suppression, they could be harmful if used in immune-mediated and autoimmune diseases.

            Other treatments that offer immune support include: plant sterols and sterolins, herbs such as echinacea, and medicinal mushrooms. Plant sterols and sterolins (phytosterols) are sterol molecules synthesized by plants and ingested by humans and animals in the form of fruits and vegetables. These compounds have been shown in animals to have antiinflammatory, antineoplastic, antipyretic, and immunomodulating activity. Phytosterols improve T-lymphocyte and natural killer cell activities. Overactive antibody responses are also dampened to help control immune-mediated and autoimmune disease processes. Echinacea, the purple coneflower, is probably the most widely used herb today and has been used for centuries. Common uses include treatment for the common cold, coughs, bronchitis, upper respiratory infections, and some inflammatory conditions. The mechanism of action of echinacea is unknown, although it is presumed to enhance immune function generically.

            Potent medicinal properties are contained within certain mushrooms, notably Maitake (Grifola frondosa), Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), and Shitake (Lentinula edodes). These medicinal mushrooms exhibit a variety of antitumor, antiviral, antiinflammatory, and immune enhancing properties.

            Bolstering detoxification pathways mediated through the cytochrome P450 system and via conjugation with protective amino acids (glutathiones, cysteine, taurine) is important. Antioxidants including vitamins A, C, D and E, selenium, bioflavonoids and homeopathics are used as biosupport to strengthen the patient's metabolism and immune system before implementing harsh detoxification regimens (once offending toxicants have been identified by such methods as applied kinesiology, intero- and electrodiagnostics). This author supplements all patients on a weight basis with extra vitamin E (100-400 IU/day), vitamin C in the ester C form (500-1500mg/day), Echinacea with Golden Seal, and garlic, although many other herbal and supportive nutrients also can be used. Animal experiencing adverse vaccine reactions are given Thuja, Lyssin (rabies vaccine) or sulphur. Specific Bach flower remedies are also helpful.

            Effective nutritional and other supplemental support for these patients can only be achieved when coupled with the need to avoid or minimize toxic exposures (e.g. pesticides on pets or their surroundings, chemical fertilizers, radiation, high tension powerlines), booster vaccinations, preventative chemicals for heartworm, fleas and ticks, and drugs known to exacerbate immunologic disorders (e.g. potentiated sulfonamides, sex hormones). Alternative strategies to protect against common infectious diseases include: annual vaccine titers, homeopathic nosodes, natural methods of heartworm, flea and tick control.
            Dietary Amino Acid Deficiencies

            A recent publication assessed the neurologic effects of dietary deficiencies of phenylalanine and its metabolite tyrosine in cats. Findings suggested the chronic dietary restriction of these essential aromatic amino acids in cats may result in a predominantly sensory neuropathy. Phenylalanine is utilized in protein synthesis in all millions species including humans. Its metabolite, tyrosine, is essential in the formation of thyroid hormones, melanin, and in euro transmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. In humans, absolute tyrosine deficiency is postulated to cause mental retardation in children, although this is not been proven. In the present study, behavioral abnormalities such as hyperactivity and vocalization were observed, and may have been the result of altered neurotransmitter concentrations in the CNS. In dogs, increased a barking and growling have been associated with sensory neuropathy. Thus, current recommendations for dietary phenylalanine and tyrosine in cats, and possibly other species, appear to be insufficient to support normal long-term neurologic function.
            Dietary Effects of Soy Protein

            Another study examined the effects of short-term administration of a soy diet in comparison to a soy-free diet on serum thyroid hormone concentrations in healthy adult cats. As soybeans are commonly used as a source of high-quality vegetable protein in commercial pet foods, the question arises whether this potential source of dietary goitrogen could offer an explanation for the ever increasing incidence of feline hyperthyroidism throughout the world. The mechanism whereby soy affects thyroid metabolism is poorly understood, although many theories have been elucidated during the past 70 years. What is known is that soy has inhibitory effects on thyroid peroxidase. Of 42 commonly fed premium commercial cat foods examined by the authors, 24 of them contained substantial amounts of soy isoflavones. These polyphenolic compounds found in soy have weak estrogenic properties as well as effects on thyroid metabolism. The effects of soy on the thyroid gland are modified by dietary iodine. Therefore, iodine deficiency enhances the goitrogenic effects of soy, whereas iodine supplementation (e.g. kelp in modest amounts) is protective. However, the iodine concentration in commercial pet foods today is about three times the stated minimum requirement, and so this variable is not a factor.

            Results of the study showed the soy diet to produce a measurable though modest increase in the amount of total T4 (8%) and free T4 (14%), whereas T3 concentration was not changed. Similar findings have been previously shown for miniature pigs, hamsters, and rats fed soy proteins. Because both T4 and freeT4 were elevated in the present cat study, the increased total T4 concentrations did not result from an increase in thyroid hormone- protein binding. The potential impact of these findings are clear. Long-term feeding of a soy diet to cats could induce chronic low level hyperstimulation of the thyroid gland which could lead to formation of thyroid adenoma and feline hyperthyroidism in middle-aged aged cats. This hypothesis needs to be tested with long term feeding (years) of soy diets.

            Another interesting relevant study of commercial dog foods determined the type and concentration of soy phytoestrogens. 24 common commercial dog foods were examined, 12 were moist or dry extrusion products that contain soybeans or soybean fractions, and another 12 had no soybean-related ingredients listed on the label. The phytoestrogens measured included 4 isoflavones, 1 coumestan, and 2 lignans. None of the diets stated to be soybean-free contained these phytoestrogens, whereas 11 of the 12 soy diets had significant levels of these plant-derived nonsteroidal compounds, and one soy diet contained only soy fiber. The conclusion of the study was that soybean fractions are commonly used ingredients in commercial dog foods, and the phytoestrogen content of these foods is high enough in amount to have biological effects when ingested long-term. These effects can be both beneficial and deleterious. Further investigations are needed to look at the effects of phytoestrogens on the immune response of puppies and adult dogs (e.g. thymic and immune abnormalities); effects on the steroidogenesis, especially of sex hormones (e.g. delayed puberty and infertility); and possible undesirable effects on skin and coat length and quality.
            Dietary Supplements

            Whether the fed animal is fed a balanced premium commercial pet food, properly balanced homemade diet, or raw diet, certain supplements can be beneficial. Some supplements to consider include unpasteurized, unfiltered apple cider vinegar; kelp, deep-ocean harvested, and given twice a week [not more often or in large amount, as the high iodine content of kelp has been linked to autoimmune thyroiditis in people]; daily vitamins C and E, but not in megadoses; pumpkin, sweet potato or yams as a source of dietary fiber for diarrhea and IBD; and periodic helpings of unpasteurized yoghurt. Herbs are also useful remedies for toning the immune system and behavioural modification. These include nutritional herbs such as garlic, valerian, kava kava, St. John's wort, passion flower, burdock and alfalfa; and medicinal herbs such as the Western and Chinese herbal repertories, and hawthorne, although there is a huge variety of available herbal remedies. An comprehensive summary of Chinese food therapy and suggested oral herb doses can be found in Appendices B and C of Wynn and Marsden's Manuel of Natural Veterinary Medicine, Mosby, St. Louis, Missouri, 2003. Other forms of dietary supplements include the essential oils and flower essences.

            For animals with autoimmune disorders and immune dysfunction, optimum nutrition is essential to provide appropriate, but not excessive protein intake and calories. Further, the use of novel protein, hypoallergenic diets, or modified protein diets is important in managing food hypersensitivity, and to heal the "leaky gut syndrome" that is often present. Probiotics may also be helpful as they provide beneficial bacteria to modulate immune inflammatory responses. Antioxidants can reduce the inflammation of immune-mediated disease, whereas diets low in fat or high in fish oils provide fatty acid supplementation to reduce the severity and increase survival.

            Epileptic animals often benefit from dietary management, and avoiding "triggering" situations or exposures. Most holistic practitioners recommend high-quality homemade or even raw food diets for their epileptic patients. Some of these animals have grain and/or protein sensitivities, so that feeding strictly hypoallergenic or modified, hydrolysed protein diets is beneficial. Feeding smaller meals more often can be helpful in managing blood sugar levels and appeasing the increased hunger seen in dogs taking phenobarbital. Taurine supplementation (e.g. 250 mg /40 lbs body weight daily) has been advocated for dogs that eat commercial or grain-based diets. Taurine is also beneficial because it reduces seizure activity, especially in dogs having tremors or noise-triggered seizures.

            Owners of epileptic dogs also report that certain heartworm preventatives, vaccine boosters (especially for rabies), and flea or tick control products can lower the seizure threshold in susceptible animals. Other potentially toxic exposures that can trigger seizures include: household cleaners and insecticides, paints and solvents, lawn and garden chemicals, and even such assumed innocuous substances such as air fresheners and aromatic herbs, like sage and rosemary, that are commonly found in commercial pet foods.

            For dogs taking phenobarbital, holistic veterinarians typically recommend herbs that protect the liver from damage such as milk thistle (silymarin) or dandelion, although dandelion is also a diuretic which may present an undesirable side-effect. Denosyl methionine can also be used. Both Chinese and Western herbs have been used with success in some epileptics, as have chiropractic, acupuncture and homeopathic remedies. A basic liver cleansing diet made up of ingredients such as boiled white potato/sweet potato in a 1:1 mixture fed together with whitefish in a 2/3 potato:1/3 fish ratio can be beneficial. This can be augmented with boiled carrots, garlic, mixed Italian herbs, and a liquid multivitamin.


           1.Wynn SG, Marsden S. Manual of Natural Veterinary Medicine. Mosby, St. Louis, Missouri, 2003, 740 pp.
           2.White HL, Freeman LM, Mahony O et al. Effect of dietary soy on serum thyroid hormone concentrations in healthy adult cats. Am J Vet Res 65:586-591, 2004.
           3.Cerundolo R, Court MH, Hao Q et al. Identification and concentration of soy phytoestrogens in commercial dog foods. Am J Vet Res 65:592-596, 2004.
           4. Dickinson PJ, Anderson PJB, Williams DC et al. Assessment of the neurologic effects of dietary deficiencies of phenylalanine and tyrosine in cats. Am J Vet Res 65:671-680, 2004
           5.Finn M. Complementary care. Don't let it shake you. Whole Dog J 7(5):16-20, 2004.
           6.Flaim D. The Holistic Dog Book: Canine Care for the 21st Century. Howell Book House, New York, NY 2003, 264 pp.
           7.Strombeck DR. Home-Prepared Dog and Cat Diets: A Healthful Alternative. Iowa State Univ Press, Ames, Iowa, 1999.
           8.Schultze K. Natural Nutrition for Cats and Dogs: The Ultimate Pet Diet. Hay House, Carlsbad, California, 1999, 135 pp.
           9.Pitcairn RH, Pitcairn SH. Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats. Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, 1995, 294 pp.
          10.Segal M. K9 Kitchen. Doggie Diner, Toronto, Ontario, 2002, 216 pp.
          11.Billinghurst I. The BARF Diet. Barfworld, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 2001.
          12Billinghurst I. Give your Dog a Bone. Self Published, 1993, 319 pp.
          13.Stogdale L. Information Sources on Canine and Feline Nutrition
          14.Can Vet J 45: 8, 2004
          15.Dodds WJ. Pet food preservatives and other additives, Chapter 5. In: Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine. Mosby, St. Louis, 1997; pp 73-79.
          16.Volhard W, Brown KL. The Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog. Howell Book House, New York, 2nd Edition, 2000, 294 pp.
         17.Bonic PJD, Lamprecht JH. Plant sterols and sterolins: A review of their immune-modulating properties. Alt Med Rev 4: 170-177, 1999.
          18.Percival SS. Use of Echinacea in medicine. Biochem Pharmacol 60:155-158, 2000.
          19.Bone K. Echinacea: What makes it work ? Alt Med Rev 2:87-93, 1997.
          20.Der Marderosian QA. The Review of Natural Products. Facts and Comparisons, St. Louis, MO, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pp 389-390, 508-509.
          21.Wynn S G, Bartges J, Dodds W J. Raw meaty bones- based diets may cause prerenal azotemia in normal dogs. AAVN Nutrition Research Symposium, June 2003 (abstr.).
          22 Dodds W J. Complementary and alternative medicine: the immune system. Clin Tech Sm An Pract, 17(10: 58-63, 2002.
          23.Roudebush P. Ingredients associated with adverse food reactions in dogs and cats. Adv Sm An Med Surg, 15(9): 1-3, 2002.
          24.Dodds W J, Donoghue S. Interactions of clinical nutrition with genetics, Chapter 8. In: The Waltham Book of Clinical Nutrition of the Dog and Cat. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford, 1994, p.105-117.
          25.Berry M J, Larsen P R. The role of selenium in thyroid hormone action. End Rev, 13(2): 207-219, 1992.
          26.Burkholder W J, Swecker W S Jr. Nutritional influences on immunity. Sem Vet Med Surg (Sm An), 5(3): 154-156, 1990.

            W. Jean Dodds, DVM, is an internationally recognized authority on thyroid issues in dogs and blood diseases in animals.  In the mid-1980's she founded Hemopet, the first nonprofit blood bank for animals. Dr. Dodds is a grantee of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and author of over 150 research publications.  Through Hemopet she provides canine blood components and blood-bank supplies throughout North America, consults in clinical pathology, and lectures worldwide.  Reprinted with Dr. Dodds' kind permission.

Thyroid Ache Affection - Compassionate Hypothyroidism Symptoms

Thyroid ache affection and hypothyroidism affection agonize millions of adults in the USA alone. Thyroid ache affection are frequently misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. About 10-20% of women and 1-2% of men accept affection of thyroid problems. The alotof accepted blazon of thyroid dysfunction is the action hypothyroidism, aswell alleged low thyroid or underactive thyroid.

   When thyroid action slows too much, one of the after-effects is that metabolism in the physique slows down added than it should. If the body ' s metabolism slows down due to underactive thyroid function, the aftereffect can be hypothyroidism affection such as fatigue, weight accretion and depression. And additional thyroid affection may be accomplished as well, and these additional affection may arise to be unrelated.

   The alotof accepted thyroid ache affection and hypothyroidism affection include:

    Cold intolerance, algid easily and feet



    Dry and base skin

    Fatigue and weakness

    Forgetfulness, dementia

    Hair loss

    Heavy menstrual periods

    High cholesterol

    Immune arrangement problems

    Nervousness, tremors

    Sleep difficulties

    Weight gain

   Having hypothyroidism affection is accompanying to hormone imbalance. For a woman, three of the analytical hormones are estrogen, thyroid hormone and progesterone. Compassionate how these hormones plan calm helps one bigger accept how to access alleviative thyroid ache symptoms.

   Harvard-trained Dr. John R. Lee, women ' s physician Dr. Jesse Hanley and Virginia Hopkins are co-authors of the best-seller What Your Doctor May NOT Acquaint You About Premenopause. Dr. Lee explains his observations over a twenty-year aeon if alleviative women accepting thyroid ache symptoms. Dr. Lee believed that animated levels of estrogen interferes with accustomed thyroid function, while progesterone facilitates advantageous thyroid function. As balance estrogen interferes with accustomed thyroid hormone function, progesterone helps the thyroid gland action added as it is declared to.

   He noticed that women who activated accustomed for thyroid action were generally progesterone deficient. Dr. Lee begin a bright arrangement in his patients with a progesterone absence which was this - their thyroid ache affection lessened if accustomed progesterone supplementation was done and hormone antithesis was achieved.

   Read added about hormone imbalance, how progesterone absence happens and how to accept counterbalanced hormones for bigger health. There is a chargeless online women s hormone bloom analysis you can yield to acquisition out added about your bloom and affection you may be experiencing. Afterwards the test, you will accept physician-based recommendations based on your answers. If you feel you may accept thyroid ache symptoms, apprentice added about the accustomed approaches recommended by naturopathic physicians for alleviative hypothyroidism symptoms.

   Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

   About The Author

   Olinda Rola

   Read added on thyroid ache affection and analysis at and yield the chargeless online women s hormone bloom test. Olinda Rola is Admiral of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of - appointment the website to apprentice added about thyroid and accompanying women ' s bloom issues.

   This commodity was acquaint on September 12, 2005

Tags: accept, added, action, online, accustomed, apprentice, chargeless, women, affection, compassionate, symptoms, hormones, hormone, womens, alleviative, thyroid, estrogen

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