Saturday, June 25, 2011

K-Liquid Chlorophyll

What is Chlorophyll..?
  • Chlorophyll is the green pigment of plants.
  • It is referred as "Blood of Plants".
  • Chlorophyll exists in Cytoplasmic Bodies called Chloroplasts within the individual CELL of plants.
  • Plants use Carbon dioxide in the air, water and minerals from the soil and sunlight to produce food.
  • This process is called "Photosynthesis".
The 3 main functions of K-Liquid Chlorophyll are :
  1. Cleansing - refers to detoxification and eliminating impurities from our body.
  2. Regulating - balances the hormones, acid and alkaline in our body.
  3. Nourishing - provides nutrients for healthy blood to increase the oxygen level and red blood count.
Alfalfa - Medicago Sativa
  • Alfalfa in Arabic, means "Father of Food", because of its powerful healing properties.
  • It grows for an height of 2 - 3 foot height, where as its root penetrates the earth about 100 feet depth and 30 feet wide.
  • Resulting to high absorption of unpolluted minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium etc. from the bottom of the earth.
  • The Romans and Chinese used Alfalfa as Medicine in 6th Century.
  • Today Alfalfa is grown 80 million Acres worldwide.
  • In USA alone 27 Million Acres grown.
K- Link Liquid Chlorophyll is extracted from the plant Alfalfa, known for its highly valued nutrients.
  • There are 4 varieties with different color (White, yellow, Pink & Purple) flowers in this plant.
  • The Purple colored plant contains the best amount of Nutrition.
  • K- Link Chlorophyll is made only from the Purple-flowered variety to ensure highest quality.
Alfalfa contains 4 times the chlorophyll of other vegetables. It is a natural source of nutrients that is vital in stimulating good health.

Contents of Chlorophyll
Vitamins (10)
1. Vitamin A
  • Beta Carotene - Better Eye sight, resistance to infection, growth.
2. Vitamin B Complex
  • Biotin B8 - Strengthens Immune System
  • Choline - For Healthy Liver, nerve transmission, etc.
  • Folic Acid B9 - Prevents Anemia, cardiovascular strength.
  • Inositol - Prevents Hair Loss, fat metabolism.
  • Pantothenic Acid B5 - Anti Stress Factor
  • Pyridoxine B6 - The "Versatile Vitamin", nervous system, etc
3. Vitamin C
  • Ascorbic Acid - "Anti-biotic", immune system.
4. Vitamin E
  • Octaccosanol - Protect cells, membranes.
5. Vitamin K
  • Prevent Hemorrhages, bone strength.
Minerals & Trace Elements (13)
  • Calcium - For Healthy Skeletal system, and transporting oxygen through blood.
  • Selenium - A Special Friend to Women.
  • Silicon - The Beauty Mineral.
  • Tin
  • Zinc - Hastens Healing.
  • Potassium - Maintain Acid/Alkaline Balance.
  • Phosphorus - The Body Energizer.
  • Aluminum
  • Cobalt - Good for Red Blood cells.
  • Chromium - Promotes Glucose Tolerance
  • Manganese - Nourish Nerves & Brain; A.N. System
  • Magnesium - The Anti stress Mineral. Effective Nerve & Muscle Function.
  • Iron - Purifies the Blood, carry Oxygen.
Amino Acids (15)
  • Arginine - For Normal Growth Immune system & Detoxification of Urea
  • Alanine
  • Aspartic Acid
  • Cysteine
  • Glutamic Acid
  • Glycine
  • Histidine - Repair of Human Tissues & convert glucose into glycogen in lever.
  • Isoleucine - Stimulates Essential Hormones.
  • Leucine - Boosts Energy Level.
  • Lysine - The Anti-Virus Factor.
  • Methionine - Protects the Liver.
  • Phenylalanine - For Weight Control.
  • Threonine - Therapy for Mental illness.
  • Tryptophan - Sleep inducing.
  • Valine - Prevents Nervous Disorders
Enzymes (8)
  • Lipase - a fat splitting enzyme.
  • Amylase - Acts on starch.
  • Coagulase - Solidifies milk and clot blood.
  • Emulsin - Acts upon Glucosides.
  • Invertase - Converts sugar to dextrose.
  • Peroxidase - Has an oxidising effect on blood.
  • Pectinase - forms vegetable jelly from Pectin substance &
  • Protese - Digests Protein.



  • Saponin
  • Sterol Compounds
  • Phyto Estrogens
Manufacturing Process
  • K - Link Liquid Chlorophyll is Pure and Natural.
  • It is extracted using sophisticated modern techniques and undergoes 15 types of process..
  • It Extract Chlorophyll in Liquid Form, which is very easy for digestion.
  • It is very much Concentrated. For every 42 Kg of Alfalfa Leaves, only 10 gram of purest Chlorophyll is arrived.
  • The modern extracting process keeps all active enzymes and Minerals in the extract.
  • It helps in Body's rapid assimilation of amino acid and for the synthesis of enzymes.
  • No preservatives, or food Coloring Agents or Additives are added.
1 table spoon of chlorophyll = 1 Kg of green Vegetables

Why choose Alfalfa?

Alfalfa is chosen because it contains 4 times the chlorophyll of other vegetables. Its roots grow deep into the soil to absorb minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and etc.

One table spoon of K-Liquid Chlorophyll is equivalent to 1 kg of vegetable consumption. It is a natural source of nutrient that is vital in stimulating good health.

Fights Free Radicals to Reduce Wrinkles & Aging

The chlorophyll in alfalfa contains antioxidants, which can help reduce free radicals in our body. Free radicals weaken our body, making us more susceptible to sickness. Free radicals are an active oxidized substance, generated by our own body through metabolism (breakdown of food and oxygen), that will destroy protein, lipid and DNA. It will affect normal cells to change and cause various diseases in the human body. Free radicals are a major contributor to ageing.

Chlorophyll is rich in:
  • Zinc –Zinc combines with vitamin A to promote good health
  • Selenium –Protects and energizes body cells
  • Vitamin E –Anti-ageing, nourishes skin and keeps the brain active
  • Vitamin C –Increases alertness and possesses anti-cancer properties
  • Vitamin A –Strengthens the heart’s function and improves vision.
Other nutrients include protein, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and minerals such as calcium, cobalt, chromium, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, manganese, magnesium and iron.

Promotes Cell Regeneration and Boosts the Immune System

Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher have in 1915 and 1930 respectively received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Chemistry for discovering the molecular structure of human red blood cells and chlorophyll. Due to this, chlorophyll is shown to promote cell regeneration and reproduction as well as assist in building up the immune system.

Blood Production Property

Nobel Prize recipients, Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher further discovered that the only difference between red blood cells and chlorophyll is that chlorophyll has a magnesium atom in its nucleus while red blood cells have iron. Thus, chlorophyll can help in cases of anemia and other blood deficiency conditions.

Cleanses Body of Pesticides and Drug Residue Toxins

Nutritionist Prof. Bernard Jensen pointed out that chlorophyll is effective in reducing toxin caused by pesticides and drug residue by purging them from the body. He further observed that healthy people generally have higher blood counts compared to the sick. However, after high consumption of chlorophyll, the sick showed an increase in blood count and improved health.

Reduces the Body’s Problems

Scientist Offen Krantz found that chlorophyll is highly beneficial to patients with stomach ulcers. Chlorophyll complements the medication prescribed by doctors for stomach ulcers.

Improves Skin Problems, Beautifies Complexion

The New England Medical Journal reported that chlorophyll can help in controlling skin problems and internal infection. The American Journal of Surgery published findings by Temple University on the use of chlorophyll to treat surgical wounds and other similar conditions.

Dr. Bernard Jensen, a Well known Nutritionist and author of "The healing power of Chlorophyll" wrote some of its efficacies as follows :
  1. Inhibits bacterial growth
  2. Improves Oral health
  3. Improves heart function
  4. Eliminate body odour
  5. Alleviates ladies ailments
  6. Balances Acid and Alkaline Level in body.
  7. Increase Red Blood Cells.
  8. Improves Anemic condition.
  9. Soothes sore throat
  10. Reduces Asthmatic problems.
  11. Relieves joints and backbone problems
  12. Improves Urinary tract system
  13. Enhances Blood circulation
  14. Delays ageing process.
  15. Abates digestive problems
  16. Purifies blood
  17. Provides Iron to organ
  18. Detoxifies blood and acts as anti-cancer.
  19. Improves Cell Function
  20. Accelerates healing of wounds
  21. Reduces inflammation.
  22. Enhances Lung infection.
  23. Abates the risks of Bronchitis
  24. Improves functions of Thyroid Glands
  25. Enhances Metabolism
  26. Strengthens Immune system
  27. Stabilize body temperature
  28. Relieves Insomnia problem
  29. Alleviates pain.
  30. Improves Liver function.
  31. Improves Kidney function
  32. Improves Urinary tract functions.
Other Usage Benefits:
  • It can be applied on the cuts and scratches as a first aid lotion.
  • It can be used as after shave lotion.
  • It can be used as Mouth Wash.
  • It can be used on the scalp for better hair growth, and preventing dandruff.
  • It can be kept inside the fridge
  • It can be given to pets for better health.
How to use?
  • Take one table spoon of K - Link Chlorophyll and mix it with 250 ml water.
  • It is not a medicine, and hence it can be taken any amount, and any number of times.
  • However, we recommend consuming 3 times a day, for a Healthy Living.
1 bottle = 500 ml Extract Chlorophyll.

K.Link Indian Testimonials

K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 1
Name: Dr. R. Vasanthan
Address: 70, R. S. Road, Dindugal
Age: 70
Nature of Complaint: Arthritis
Before using : Had pain in both the knees, difficult to walk used Allopathy medicines, due to gastritis cannot continue for long time.
After using Product: Relief of tiredness, able to walk within 5 days from the date of consumption.
Dosage: - From 1.5.02 for 5 days - Kinotakara once a week for both knees, Chlorophyll 5 ml daily for Gastritis.
K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 2
Name: Dr. S. A. Jeyaram
Address: 120, R. S. Road, Dindugal
Nature of Complaint: Hyperacidity, Duodenal ulcer, Gastritis.
Before using : Irregular diet timings, sleeplessness - lead to Hyperacidity.
After using : Relief from Hyperacidity and comfortable sleep after consuming.
Dosage: 5 ml. Of Chlorophyll mixed with 100 ml of water daily.

K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 3
Name: Ms. Shymala Chandrasekaran
Address: 27, kullananpatty, Dindugal
Age: 59
Nature of Complaint: Breast Cancer - investigation report on 11.8.02
Before using: Left side of the breast - severe pain, loss of sleep and appetite.
After using : Relief from pain, appetite improved without tablets and injections.
Dosage: From 18.9.02 , Chlorophyll twice - 5 ml, Spirulina once - 15 ml, Power touch.

K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 4
Name: Mr. Manohar
Address: 11, Felburg Road, Dindugal
Age: 40
Nature of Complaint: Arthritis
Before using: Had pain in both the knees difficult to walk and play.
After using: Relief of tiredness, able to walk and play and won the shuttle match all India Level on 7.10.02 after consumption.
Dosage: From 7.8.02 - Chlorophyll 5 ml daily

K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 5
Name: Mr. Nagarajan
Address: 29,Kullananpatty, Nathan Road, Dindugal
Nature of Complaint: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Before using: Loss of weakness, appetite, weight and difficult to breathe.
HB - 7 gm, WBC - 60,000 cells/cm - 20.10.02
After using: could see improvement in health after consuming our products.
HB - 10.6 gm, WBC - 10,000/cm - 21.11.02
Dosage: Chlorophyll 5 ml twice daily, Spirulina once a day.
K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 6
Name: Mr. Shanmugam
Address: Paramakudi, Ramanad District
Nature of Complaint: Paralysis of both lower limbs and left upper limbs.
Before using : Due to cardiovascular problem consulted Neurologist. No mark able improvement after one year.
After using : Mark able improvement after consuming our products. To our surprise he could able to move his hands / limbs freely and at present he never feels like been paralyzed. He is confident to walk on his own without help.
Dosage: Chlorophyll 5 ml once daily, Spirulina bi weekly.

K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 7
Name: Ms. Surjit kaur
Address: House No 256, Phase I, Mohali, Punjab.
Nature of Complaint: Lymph Cancer
Before using : Underwent treatment without improvement.
After using Product: Felt improvement/ good sleep
Platelet count: Before - 1.62 Lacs , After - 1.80 Lacs.
Serum LDH:Before - 97.31 U/L , After - 152.5 U/L
HemogramTLC:Before - 4,500 cmm,After - 5,800 cmm
Dosage: - From October 2002 using Kinotakara till now.
K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 8
Name: Mr. Ramachandra Sastry,
Address: 1030/17, IFFCO Nagar, Gurgaon - 122001, Harayana State.
Age : 68
Nature of Complaint: Osteo - Arthritis.
Before using : Severe left knee pain, unable to walk.
After using Product: Felt improvement, smelly blood stains for first two nights and third night there were yellow stains and it was very sticky. Used two boxes found able to walk without pain even long distances.
Dosage: - Using Kinotakara till now for further improvement. Finds cheaper than Surgical cost.
K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 9
Name:  Mr. Subbukutty,
Address: 6/1, kangeyapalayam puthur first street, Kangeyan road, Thirupur.
Age : 42
Nature of Complaint: Bilateral varicose veins.
Before using : Recurrent ulcers with swelling right leg long time . Used all types of medicines, found no improvement. Boils in his leg with watery discharge. Doctors suggested him for surgery which is also not a permanent cure.
After using Product: Used 5 boxes of kinotakara . 80% of his boils reduced and feels energetic. Will continue further till it solves fully. Cannot use constantly due to his financial problems.
Dosage: - Using Kinotakara from 7.3.02 till now for further improvement. Finds cheaper than Surgical cost.
K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 10
Name: Ms. T.K. Sainaba
Address: Azhikkakath House, Nettoor .P.O., Maradu, Ernakulam Dist, Kerala.
Nature of Complaint: Severe pain in both the legs.
Before using : Had pain in both the legs below knees.
After using Product: Relief from pain, able to walk within 6 days from the date of consumption.
Dosage: - For 6 days - Kinotakara.
K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 11
Name: Mrs. Jayalakshmi
Address: A-73, Thendral Nagar(T.N.H.B), Rajapalayam - 626 117.
Age: 35
Nature of Complaint: Rheumatism
Before using : Had severe pain in both the legs and her full body was swelled . Not able to walk. Death pain was felt towards each step.
After using Product: Relief from pain, able to walk 1.5 Kms daily to and fro from her house to school where she is working as a teacher within 50 days from the date of consumption.
Dosage: - From 1.02.2002 to 13.02.2002 used Kinotakara (12 boxes) on both the knees, two feet and wrist.
Two bottles of chlorophyll
K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 12
Name: Mr. S. Siva subramanian
Address: 8-1-15, Salai Vinayagar Koil Street, Sambavar Vadagarai (p.o) Tenkasi Taluk, Thirunelveli District.
Age: 57
Nature of Complaint: Right eyelash not functioning with severe headache.
Before using: Had severe pain in right eye with head ache. Consulted allopathic doctors, had up to 15 injections and allopathic medicines which did not helped him.
After using Product: Relief from headache and his eyelash was relieved and he got his eye sight back on 20th day after consumption
Dosage: - From 1.02.2002 to 13.02.2002 used Kinotakara (12 boxes) on both the knees, two feet and wrist.
Two bottles of chlorophyll
K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 13
Name: Mr. Goswani
Address: Arya nagar, Near A.V.C, P.O. Gopinath nagar, Guwahathi - 781016
Age: 57
Nature of Complaint: Right eyelash not functioning with severe headache.
Before using: Had severe pain in left foot angle and physical uneasiness.
After using Product: Relief from left foot angle pain and of physical uneasy feelings.
Dosage: - Used liquid chlorophyll and power oil

K.Link Healthcare India.Pvt. Ltd.
Testimonial- 14
Name: Mrs. Leonida Stolpe
Address: Bajuwarenstr.37, 94365, pakstetten,Germany
Phone: 0049-09421-23495
Nature of Complaint: unable to work due to severe pain in shoulder and the arm.
Before using: Had severe pain in shoulder and arm.
After using Product: Pasted Kinotakara on the shoulders. Relief from pain and of physical uneasy feelings.
Dosage: - Used Kinotakara on the affected area.

Testimonial- 15

I am a practicing medicine for the past twenty years, in Anna nagar, Chennai -40. One of my patient bought your BAE Power Black jade, one year ago and he used it only once continuously for 72 hours. After that he gets penile erection for hours together. Hence his wife is unable to cope up with him. He is also not having the satisfaction of completion of the act because of the prolonged duration. Otherwise he is not getting tireness and he is able to work
Continuosly. Since he is unable to explain the details to you he contacted me. I request you to write me how he can become normal. I hope you understand his problem. I dont know the remedies for side effects of the BAE power jade: I would be happy if you can explain other side effects of the ring as well as the price so that I can recommend to the impotent patients. Also I would like to know whether any benefit will be there if it is used by females.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Dr. K. Senthilnathan
Sri Devi Hospital, Plot no 1620A, 16th Main road, Anna nagar, Chennai - 40.
Phone - 26161960,61 - 26162000